Kate Bornstein
Kate Bornstein
Kate Bornstein

Welcome to my website. I’m Kate Bornstein—author, playwright, performer, and lifelong mischief-maker when it comes to questioning the rules about who we’re supposed to be.

I call myself a gender outlaw, and if you’ve landed here, chances are you’re a curious soul, maybe even a bit of an outlaw yourself. Either way, you’re in the right place to find some good trouble.

Full Biography coming soon

The new edition of Hello, Cruel World—now 121 alternatives to suicide—is at the printer at this very moment. The book hits the shelves on April 8, 2025.

And really, if these new and terrible days have made you wonder whether staying alive is worth it… please get a copy. You can pre-order one now. Buy one if you can afford it. Donate a copy to a library if you’ve got some extra money. And if you can’t afford it? Someone’s bound to make a pirate copy. Read it. I wrote it to make you feel better about living.

Hello, Cruel World
Hello Cruel World New Cover
Hello Cruel World New Cover
Hello Cruel World New Cover