My Moving Fingers Write and Having Writ, Move On

MyLife:I Was a Love Thief I'm out on the road, and I haven't been doing much blogging. I've been writing, but I've been writing for other folks. Here are some links to some new pieces:

I hope you have fun going through these new pieces. I'm on the road for another two weeks. Best way to stay in touch is through Twitter.

kiss kiss



  1. For a few glorious minutes, I was hoping that you were working on a new book and that was the cover. :p

  2. My SciFi/Fantasy self goes freewheeling in an interview for Crossed Genres magazine, where I answer questions about alternate universes, and which of ’em I’d like to live in. IS REALLY AN AWESOME MOVIE .THANKS FOR THE NICE SHARE.Thanks for the great reading, we buy Gold in a recession. I will pass this on to our Ira clients to read.

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