The Great “Gender Outlaws TNG” Blog Tour

Gender Outlaws Book Cover  I'm going out on tour, and I'm not leaving the comfort of my writing chair. You can come along too!

The reviews are coming in on Gender Outlaws: The Next Generation: one a day for the next nine days. Seal Press is the publisher of the new anthology. Their slogan is Groundbreaking Books, By Women, For Women. Well, they're stretching that slogan all out of shape. They came up with the fun idea to arrange for a tour of reviews from nine different corners of the feminist/trans/trans-friendly/and genderqueer blogosphere.

I've already had a chance to read the first posted review today. It's by Everett Maroon, and it's up on I Fry Mine in Butter. No puff journalism, this. It's a wonderful essay. I've posted a comment to the blog, and I hope to read and comment on each of the reviews as they're posted. 

(Oh! I'm enjoying this almost as much as I enjoyed working with S. Bear Bergman and Seal Press to put this anthology together in the first place!)

So, here's the rest of the schedule. Enjoy the perspectives!

We take the weekend off, and continue the following Monday.

and we close our blogging tour of GO The Next Generation with…


  • Friday, 10/8 – Mr. Sinclair Sexsmith posting on SugarButch!

I'll be tweeting each stop on the tour as it goes up. So… enjoy the next couple of weeks of binary-blowing gendernalysis. And please do join in the conversation along your way with comments on each of the reviews, and right here if you like. I am SO all aquiver!

kiss kiss

Auntie K


  1. Hey – sorry to be snippy, but it’s “Everett Maroon.” Otherwise – love your work!

  2. Eeep, sorry to have mis-spelled Everett Maroon’s name. Thanks for the heads up. Corrected now. xoxo

  3. Just got my copy! So far looks great, I will let you know what I think but I’m sure I’m going to thoroughly enjoy it.

  4. I’m tearing through mine like it’s dark chocolate ;-0
    But seriously, I’m really enjoying it and should be on schedule for reviewing it on Butchtastic around 10/18.
    It’s amazing to be able to pick up a book and find so many like minds and experiences… yay for community and thank you and Bear for pulling this together.

  5. Hi Kate,
    Could you remove my last name from this post? I try not to make myself too searchable to my comics audience, in case I get an influx of haters. Thank you kindly!
    – RJ

  6. RJ — done. SO sorry, it’s how your name came to me from Seal. Gone now. LOVE your review. Thank you. xoxo K

  7. The book is sooooo great! Please come back to San Francisco- missed the reading, and we miss you! thanks Kate & all the contributors xoxo

  8. Hey Kate. I was at the bookstore tonight and I picked up your Gender Outlaws TNG book. I never really buy queer/trans reading as I am more partial toward eastern studies, but I recalled having friends who like you so I picked it up. I am very happy to finally be reading a book that doesn’t make me feel like in order to be trans I have to have butterflies coming out of my ass.

  9. So glad to hear peeps are having fun with this book. Natalie Sharp… best review of the book I’ve read. Thanks, and happy new year to all. K

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